fitness trainer falls

Even I Can Take an Embarrassing Fall!

Yep! I did it! I was on my usual walking route with my dog and I was thinking about how my back hurt a little bit and the next thing I knew I was FLAT ON THE GROUND! This was not a slow motion kind of fall. You know the one where you know you are falling but can’t do anything to stop it, kind of fall. This fall was quick and hard! My tennis shoe caught the slightest unevenness in the cement and down I went! My hands slapped hard on the ground along with my left knee! Ugh! I was hurt! I laid there for a minute shocked at what had just happened. I looked around to see if anyone had seen and there was no one around (phew, I was saved that embarrassment at least) and then I slowly made my way back to standing.

Why, you ask, am I even sharing this humiliating moment with you all? Well, it’s because today, just four days later I was running on the treadmill again! I was so happy that my body could recover so quickly! My knee still hurts to the touch but it’s healing so rapidly and I know why! Once again, my consistent workout routine has saved me. When you are repeatedly breaking down and rebuilding your muscle and putting pressure on your joints it teaches your body how to recover over and over again. Call me crazy but I think a combo of strength training and cardio workouts are the best thing anyone can do.

Moral of the story is, no one is safe from an unexpected fall but how you recover from said fall can make all the difference! Be careful out there!

