double mastectomy must haves


This is a short list of (my) mastectomy necessities. If you are like me you have no idea what to expect or what you might need after you have your surgery, so here are my “must haves” and why:

1.     A drain belt- This was a lifesaver. You will come home with 2-4 drains (connected to the sides of your body) and you will need something to hold them. A drain belt helps prevent you from unnecessarily tugging on the drains and can help hide them under any outfit. The drains are not fun and can make getting around a little difficult until they are removed.

2.     Stool softeners- I wish someone had told me about this one! You will be given and will need pain medication. Along with the pain relief comes unwanted constipation and you certainly don’t need that! Start a day or two BEFORE your surgery and it will be a great help.

3.     Small squishy pillows- I tried a big wedge pillow in bed but ultimately the biggest help was being able to prop myself up in bed with regular pillows and smaller squishy pillows on my sides to prop up my arms. You can also use one of these pillows to cushion your chest against the seat belt when traveling to and from the doctors office.

4.     Comfortable loose clothes- I was able to get my shirts off and on over my head. Some people prefer to have only tops with buttons to make it even easier. My main problem was hiding the drains so I needed a robe or loose sweater to wear over my tops.

5.     Someone to help- This is not always easy for us to ask but you don’t want to be alone for the first few days to a week. You will need someone to help you get around, give you your medication and help strip your drains. (This is when you have to empty the fluid in the bulb of the drain and measure it). It’s not the most pleasant job and can be difficult at first.

I hope my top 5 mastectomy necessities help you and please reach out to me with any more questions or concerns! I’m sure my fellow pink sisters will have their own “must haves” to add to this list.

Sending you my love and strength to get through this time!

Just one example of a drain belt.

Just one example of a drain belt.