The Positive Side of Getting Cancer

I’m sure you are thinking, how can I even use the words “positive” and “cancer” in the SAME sentence?! Well, the answer is, that took some time for me to get there. In the beginning, I could not find anything positive in my life except for the fact that I was still alive and my cancer was found early. Other than that, everything else was pretty much a negative.

There I was feeling healthy, but now I had this horrible disease to battle. I had only been in the hospital to deliver my girls and now I was facing this major surgery that was taking away something I considered very feminine and I didn’t want to do it. I was scared of such a big surgery, I feared how much pain I would be in and how long my recovery would last. Would I ever look or feel the same again? Once chemo became part of the plan, all I could see was sickness, a bald head and over a year of my life, GONE!

Today, only three years from when I finished all my treatments, I have a new outlook on life. I appreciate the little moments, I’m grateful for everyday I’m alive and I have made some of the best friendships with some of the kindest most supportive people on the planet! I don’t have time for petty drama or negativity. I focus on the beauty in each day and the positive people and things surrounding me in my daily life. I learned what true beauty is and the importance of having friends and family who love you unconditionally.

I recently heard this quote and it’s become one of my favorites, “Every day is a gift, that’s why they call it the present.” Have a wonderful day my friends! I’m always wishing the very best for you all!
