How Exercise Helped Save My Life

The benefits of regular exercise are endless. The benefits I experienced before, during and after my cancer diagnosis were the most wonderful and unexpected!

Yes, I enjoyed a regular exercise routine for many years prior to my cancer, often working out for one or two hours a day, 5-6 days a week. I was in excellent health and then BOOM, out of nowhere, cancer! At the beginning, my exercise was a stress reliever, during my treatments it was a lifesaver, after it was all over, it still gave me purpose and personal goals to achieve again.

My regular workouts and walks were sometimes the only thing I accomplished besides my numerous doctor appointments each week. After my surgeries I would get up and walk as soon as possible. I continued to exercise and used very light weights. On my worse days after chemo, when the nausea set in and the steroids had me amped, I would still walk for an hour. My recovery from both chemo and surgery was on fast forward. My body healed quickly and I was grateful for that.

Once I was done with everything, 18 months had gone by. I had a lot of strength to regain, my lungs and heart were not in top shape, I had gained weight and was feeling weaker than ever. I set small goals for myself, like running a 5K and doing a push-up again. Still to this day, I believe moving my body was a huge help both mentally and physically. In my mind, exercise helped save me and get me through one of the most difficult times in my life!

No matter where you are at, set small goals for yourself and just start! It’s truly never too late to get moving and experience all the same benefits!
